Offers and promotions
Kayak hire - Cassis and Marseille
LOKAYAK français LOKAYAK anglais
LOKAYAK Booking strongly advised
Booking strongly advised

We try to handle as many calls as possible. If we do not answer, please feel free to call several times, especially in high season. Please avoid leaving voice messages.

LOKAYAK By car and shuttle bus
By car and shuttle bus

Park for free at Gorguettes car park; shuttles going towards “rond-point  Casino” will take you to city centre for only 1.60€ return ticket per person. You will find yourselves close to the meeting point

Check-out: Shuttle bus timetable


LOKAYAK By car - Park in the city center
By car - Park in the city center

Parking in the centre is almost impossible during high season, weekends, or bank holidays, so we strongly recommend  to use Mimosas or Madie car parks, 5-10 mn away from the meeting point.

LOKAYAK By train and bus
By train and bus

At Cassis train station, take the Marcouline bus towards the city centre.

For further information:

Train timetable 
into-town buses timetable 
Cassis city-center buses timetable

Offers and promotions